Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Dinar Intel ---- WF --- EXTREME HIGH ALERT --- After Hawaii closes

cvfallbrook] 1:33 PM buckwheat: Well I got some great news from my contact, a top foreign currency corp. executive of WF. He informed us that they have been told to not just be on alert or even high alert, but to be on "extreme high alert" (seriously that was a quote) to be ready after the banks in Hawaii close tonight. They have been on alert every day since Feb 8th but nothing like what he we was just told. He said that when this goes it will be instantaneous across the globe, every one at once.

1:35 PM DUGSTER: buckwheat when did he tell you that? 

1:35 PM buckwheat: DUGSTER A few minutes ago 

1:36 PM shelby: buckwheat that's great! Just so I understand, this is your personal contact who said this about what WF currency dept is looking for? 

1:36 PM buckwheat: shelby That is correct, not something from the internet but a personal contact my business partner speaks to

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