Friday, March 16, 2012

Heaven On Earth

Silverthorne, Colorado 80498

Heaven On Earth
March 16, 2012
I AM your God. you have said so and meant it. Now I plan to BE your God in ways you do not presently expect. Get ready to see and know God. Relax and enjoy the ride.
 It will be superb, Heaven On Earth, Here And Now. I am well pleased, even delighted and spilling over with joy to do this. It satisfies, deeply satisfies, My father's heart to do this. Oh the joy in heaven! Oh, the joy!  We are waiting for the moment, soon, My beloved, oh soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an IMPORTANT Article and You NEED to Read It!! Posted By: Rayelan Date: Saturday, 17-Mar-2012 15:32:06.In Response To: Let's set the record straight! (Valiant)/Bill? ////This is just the beginning of Bill's story. I agree with what he has said here. I also agree with his theory that there is a "miracle point". That is what I am working to help bring about. Humanity is unique in the entire combined universes. There are "higher forces" who do not want the human race lost, and they are here also, working for that "miracle point". Join us... work with us to bring about the "miracle point".Bill will be posting more soon. Remember, his physical body takes a beating every time he reveals things that the controllers don't want him to reveal. Hold him in your thoughts.Some of his images are reproduced below.Here's his web site and links to his art work:....... Note From Rayelan: I fully believe that William's book has profound messages for many of us. --- ANCIENT PROPHECIES , by William Griffith.William's artist page on Art Wanted:*** Higher Forces, by William J. Griffith ,ISBN: 1-58851-304-1, 322 pages, 6 x 9 Buy $29.99 .. ********* Bill: I would like to start this off by introducing myself as the author of ‘Higher Forces.’ I’ve been interviewed by Raye on her show,...... I told her about an experience I had years ago, one so important that I kept secret for years, until finally it was time to tell the story. I had an encounter with an angel, not some fabricated made-up day-dreamy angel, but in fact the real thing. It was an experience that changed my life forever, and continues to do so until this day. It’s an immense story, but my main reason for writing this today, is because I have something to say, to share, and quite honestly I think it’s the right time. The angel, for whatever reason (one I continue to struggle to figure out) put something in my head---he literally put his giant hand inside my head and placed something inside. Originally I thought it was something else, but apparently it’s more than that. ..... and I began my overwhelming mission to fulfill whatever it was the angel did….so I began draw-ing and painting..... The artwork evolved, as did I. Until a few years ago when I worked on a series of pieces entitled‘Ancient Prophecies.’ That’s when things really got strange.....These shadowy forces, which I can only remotely, modestly describe as demons, kept coming at me and literally tried to rip out something inside of my head----whatever it was the angel had put there....(....) And let me just interject that the rapture IS NOT what you think it is, the rapture is a near extinction level event, involving mass deaths all at once and the preparation for that death through religious undertones. Higher Powers have always been present in our lives whether we admit it, realize it or not..... there are forces beyond our imagination that exist, that live and shape things above our control…and they have been doing this for a very long time. Those include both forces of good and evil, of light and darkness….Real angels and demons, and yes a real Creator....what has been going on, and building up is on such a huge multi-level chess board, that it’s literally unbelievable. .....(....)