Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Knock! Knock! Time for some reality

     Knock! Knock! Time for some reality squeezed in between playing with all our new electronic toys all days long! We have a deadly heatwave drought burning up much of our crops across America. 40% of corn in America is now in poor shape as the drought destroys more and more of our food being raised on American farms. Maybe 20 years ago I ran a large ad in a large city newspaper that before it was needed by America that a powerful answer to  supply all the water America would later need be developed now. And looking for people who would want to help back an engineering project where we had one or more good answers that should have the potential to solve this coming national problem that America would not have enough water later on for its farmlands, city populations, and industries of America. However, we have pretty much solved the problem of supplying needed water for American industry as Wash., D.C. has by its policies closed down a large portion of American industry  now through lunatic federal regulations and taxes higher than other nations would charge these industries to be located or relocated to there from America. And guess how many people responded to this large newspaper ad seen by a large population. Zero. No one was interested in solving the water problem of America before it became a problem and out of control for the nation. It was years ago that I was a young student in a private school and said that man would someday fly to the moon in three stage rockets. The students from rich families laughed at me and called me "the mad scientist" for predicting this. I noticed a few Jewish students did not laugh in the class. I asked them why when the rest of the students mocked me for saying this. the Jews did not join in mocking me for predicting this. They said, "We do not know that you are right, but we do not know that you are wrong in what you are saying. And you seemed to know what you were talking about, so we saw no reason to laugh at you." From that hour on I respected the Jews because they respect brains whereas too much of America does not respect brains in  other Americans. Jealous Gentiles complain how the Jews rise in business, become rich apparently far easier than others, and so on. But a good part of the secret of Jews how they acquire such wealth as they do and have the influence they do in society is because they respect brains in various fields whereas so many other races laugh at brains in even fellow members of their own race.
     I got a car of mine to go from 17-18 1/2 miles per gallon up to 94 miles per gallon in a publicly witnessed test and found no support in America for developing this high gas mileage system for potentially all cars in America. 100% of all Americans have been predicted by the medical field of America will likely have cancer or have had cancer by 2020 just 8 years away and yet I found no serious support for setting up an independent study for two cancer answers I came up with which fast cured cancer in me. I got rid of a tumor on my arm in 4 days flat and a large tumor on my face was gone in 4 days flat. And both times left no scar behind. I had advanced colon cancer for over one year and took the position, "When the Lord is ready, I will be shown the answer how to cure this." When the answer came by inspired knowledge, I cured the advanced colon cancer on the 7th day from when I started this natural cure for colon cancer. On the 7th day, I passed out the cancer from my body and it never returned. I have been fine for a decade or more after this happened. When I offered to show the medical field how I cured the tumors and how I cured the advanced colon cancer, the medical field had zero interest in answers that cured cancer for $100 or less in supplies instead of huge figures like costing even $300,000 to $500,000 to "fight" but not "cure cancer." I have a scientific mind that can be used in various professional fields and I find the answers that work which causes anger and resentment that an outsider figured out the answers needed that the insiders could not come up with. 
       You the American people had better start respecting brains in those who have the God-given gift to find the answers needed for the survival of the human race on earth. You are facing potential death as a race and nation if the coming water crisis facing America and the world is not solved and soon. Your GMO food pushed by Washington policy is apparently going to end up killing off most or all the entire human race on earth, yet you Americans ignore the scientific evidence presented by intelligent people how dangerous this is to the raising of food for all mankind on earth. When intelligent people or groups are warning you of deadly perils to America or the world, you have federal psy-op agents who are hired to pretend to be part of the American public and they plant bogus comments and false stories with you so you do not listen to the smart, honest Americans who are trying to save your lives, the life of America, or mankind as a whole on earth. Until you have cars running for real on fuels other than gasoline produced from oil, better not be tricked by federal crowd control agents who feed you propaganda control lines such as you are going to get super technology any second now so you don't need oil anymore for running your cars or helping to take care of other energy needs of America. With many stories how the aliens are going to save you and the human race on earth, is that really true or another planted story by federal crowd control agents so you don't back real, legitimate leaders like me with my proposed Omni Law which will skyrocket the American economy if you push it into law before our One World Crowd running Wash., D.C.  totally wrecks the American economy by planned economic sabotage of America. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt once honestly commented, "Nothing happens by accident in Wash., D.C."
     My father invented an incredible industrial food process that could potentially supply all nearly all of the nutrition contained in wheat or other grains when milling them for flour to make bread with. The health results were stunning. Nazi Germany tricked my father into supplying a front corporation for Nazi Intelligence a huge amount of his unique flour no one else in the world could duplicate. They baked bread in Nazi Germany with this flour and the Nazi scientists and doctors reported to Adolf Hitler that this was the greatest food discovery in human history and Hitler could turn the German race into a true "Master Race" with this incredible health food. It increased the intelligence level of German students and all other ways physically made the Germans superior who had this unique bread added to their German diet. Grades in school and other tests all confirmed this. When the Soviet Army captured these Nazi research papers, Stalin made a powerful bid to try and win my father over to show the Soviet Union how to mill this flour with all this nutrition retained in it that Soviet engineers and prior Nazi engineers could not duplicate. In trying to convince my father to deal with Moscow since the Communists asserted they would win control of America through effective control of the Black vote in America until enough hidden Communists were elected to the U.S. Congress to turn Wash., D.C. into the Communist government of America. And as a Communist joke on the Blacks, the Soviet spy ring boasted that the Communists would then trick the Blacks into going into what would be called federal workcamps and kill them all off by means first perfected by the Nazis for their concentration camps. As they explained, the Blacks were an "inferior race" you could not build a successful Communist society upon, so they would wipe out all the Blacks in America after the Communists won effective control of Wash., D.C. And Obama may not know it but he is setting up all the Blacks in America for later apparent extermination once Obama brings Communism into full power over Wash., D.C. as he is aggressively trying to do now. My father met with the F.B.I. after this meeting with Soviet intelligence as he wanted to warn Wash., D.C. of the Communist plan to take over Wash., D.C. first and then America once Wash., D.C. fell to Communis control. But politically cheap Wash., D.C. never did anything to head off the Communist plan for the later takeover of America. Even though the Soviet leaders fell in Russia due to shrewd President Ronald Reagan strategy he never got proper credit for (I know the secret maneuvers he used to collapse the Soviet Union back then), the Communist apparatus remained operational in America and is about to win the Cold War for Russia instead of America. Once America is made Communist under Obama, then Russia is planned to be made Communist again and so the Soviet Union wins the Cold War in the end instead of America. By the way, Stalin said that his advisers told him that the nation controlling my father's trade secret industrial food process would become the leader of the world. The Vatican came to the same conclusion and endorsed my father's great food discovery as potentially the most important news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it could potentially solve the twin problems of starvation and malnutrition in the world. I want to establish this giant food industry in America, but see no way I can give America these millions of new jobs and colossal national wealth if Obama is reelected President. You vote for Obama who apparently tried to have me federally murdered to also block the reestablishment of my father's Vatican endorsed food process, sorry folks, but I will then make a deal with some other large country such as Canada, Australia, or even Russia. Being a descendant of one branch of the royal line of Russia, I bet the people of Russia would greet me like a Peter the Great if I established this in Russia instead of in America. You, the American people decide if I set up this giant world food industry in America or else abroad if you leave me no choice. I blackball Obama after the federal murder attempt he apparently ordered tried on me to block this food industry from America.
      But in all this scrambled eggs of evil policies and tactics launched in America by well-financed evil groups in America, even they do not realize they are setting America up for the Doomsday Factor To Industrial Economics. Translated into language the common man can understand, if the monetary system collapses or loses too much value as money due to hyperinflation suddenly triggered off by all this conspirational policies of Obama, the cities cannot live on a barter system of economics. The populations spill out of the cities, fight the farmers for food, society totally collapses, and likely from 90% to 99% of all the Americans die as the American economy totally collapses. And with the collapse of America, this may also collapse the economy of Europe, China, Russia, Middle East, Africa, Central and Latin America, etc. Maye as little as 1% of the human race may remain alive on earth if the Doomsday Factor To Industrial Economics is triggered off by Obama who is doing all the policies needed to set off the Doomsday Factor To Industrial Economics. I suggest the Democratic Party run an alternative candidate for the White House as Obama is too fanatic and dumb in economics to be allowed to carry out the economic policies he is already committed to do.
     American people. use your brains at this time. I studied under six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe and I know my economic field very well. Pass my Omni Law and in 2012.  If the Omni Law is passed before the American economy potentially collapses under Obama, we should be able to block the collapse of the American economy, get mass jobs going again in America, and America booming once more under free enterprise. If the Omni Law is passed fast, we can cancel the treaties Obama wants signed this month and maybe in the next month or two. If his intended water treaty is signed, it should totally bankrupt America and America ceases to exist as a nation. Maybe even 99% of the American people die since Obama is so totally dumb in national economics Communist or not. Look up my Omni Law on Nesara News, copy it and show all of America the 4 page report on it with the Omni Law on page 2. Or if stuck, send an email to my email address of . Request a copy of the 4 page Omni Law Report which has the official version of the Omni Law on Page 2. As Obama is preaching magic wand economics with near to zero basis relationship to reality, it would not hurt to help finance our campaign to pass the Omni Law. Make checks out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. Show this Report on Doomsday Factor To Industrial Economics to all Americans. Make a copy and paste copy and then email all over America. If the American economy totally collapses because you said for the Lord to take care of it so you don't have to, the Lord might shock you by replying, "When you show me that you care, then I can show you that I care." If you don't care, why should the Lord? Remember Jesus said He would vomit out from His presence the lukewarm Christians who are neither hot nor cold meaning indifferent Christians that don't care about anything except themselves. Act now so that I don't have to attend the funeral of America buried as a nation by the fanaticism and dumbness of Obama in national economics.
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name until I start going public when justified by circumstances. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies which is the trademark whereby serious elements in American intelligence know exactly who I am. Because Soviet intelligence thought that I had been murdered by elements of C.I.A., so felt safe to set America up for intended annihilation in 1990 or 1991. The F.B.I. came to me in 1990, admitted they rated me one of the ten to twenty top experts in military intelligence in America, and asked me to save America from pending nuclear World War III which was ready to happen any moment then. I saved America from annihilation which was scheduled to happen later in 1990 or else in 1991. If Wash., D.C. ever tries to deny this 1990 story, I can call a national press conference and tell the world how the Soviet Union planned to annihilate America in 1990 or 1991 based upon information supplied me by the F.B.I. in 1990 when they came from Greenville, SC to meet with me. I didn't tell the F.B.I. I had already obtained the current nuclear attack plan of Moscow against America then. If I tell how Moscow planned to annihilate America back then, then all military nations will know how to annihilate America after that. Of course, Wash., D.C. will know that they can't lie their way out of this situation. Wash., D.C. will behave itself and I will never show the world how Moscow had planned to annihilate America back then. My knowledge of military secrets is far too deadly and I decide by these secrets what nation or nations will become the leader of the world in the future. I want America to be backed by my military secrets and also my secrets in national economics. If you also want America to be the leader of the world in the future, back me now with finances and mass promote my Omni Law to everyone in America. 
This way I will know that you are with me.)  


Anonymous said...

I expressed my interest in this last time this was posted just as instructed to do and NEVER received a reply from him. Is he for real? Or what? Why waste space here posting this if he is not responding to those he has asked to contact him?

Anonymous said...

Big talk, big claims. No matter how much of a 'genius' you are, don't you realize you sound just like a salesman ? THE ASKING FOR MONEY THING pretty much tells the average guy - LOOK OUT - another salesman training to be a con man, or a con man training to be a salesman. I'm sure your 'genius' intellect is not necessary to determine MOST OF US ARE BROKE ! Another guy chock full of 'secrets' with no proof us little guys can look at. Sure, we probably wouldn't get it, right ? If you REALLY are that smart, you should be filthy rich, right? FINANCE IT YOURSELF or prove your claims. I really hope you are for real and very 'advanced.' Put them smarts to work and figure out how to convince us. THIS WAY AIN'T WORKING!
TYJM frj

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just another snakeoil salesman. All lies!

Anonymous said...

I believe it's time to really get organized and get behind this, and it looks like it's time to start opening up our wallets to get things moving so this can actually become a reality. I don't know about others, but I don't want the UN running things in America, taking 1/2 our land and taking all of our water over and forcing us to move off of our own land and forced to relocate to "Simm cities" or "anthills" or whatever you want to call them, and don't want our guns taken from us or kill us if people don't give up their guns. Also would like to see this new industrial base built up and this "food process" bread that is nutritious and would like to see people happy instead of stressed out and sad. I saw a documentary where I saw Obama say that he was going to be King over the world or something to that effect. This guy is an arrogant deceiver and should not be allowed to go on with his destructive plans.

Anonymous said...

Open YOUR wallet 9:02 PM, I haven't had anything to put in one for 3 years. This sounds like the web sites asking NON STOP for support, as in donations. I notice they have LOT'S of advertizing (revenue) on their sites and surely get click-through funds also, but never put THOSE stats up for us 'donaters' to peruse for evidence they really need it. Besides, a GENIUS needs our help? Really? Some genius! I don't have to be too smart to avoid the outstretched hand of a beggar I surely don't know a damn thing about. I'm already working on a Tesla electric generator, but won't insult you by asking for money. TYJM frj

Anonymous said...

Oh and the only ones you do know a damn thing about are the ones like Obama and Romney who have the evil ones who are keeping you from marketing your Tesla electric generator, backing them to put them on the news and in your newspapers that YOU read. "They" don't mind spending "their" stolen millions on helping you to "know" these guys (their chosen puppets) By the way, I have given so far $20 to this cause, and when the law passes, I will get back about 100 times more than I gave, as per the loan program. I also right now don't have a lot of money, thanks to the great economic "Stimulus" put out by Obama to stimulate (and grease the palms of his rich friends) the economy. You are the type of person who would cut off your nose to spite your face. You do have something that will help mankind, and you will get help, however right now, you are fighting the monopolies who have already killed other inventors, and look what they did to Tesla.... We just have to get the priorities straight and put the most important issues first. We can work as a team...all of contribute positively to society. As for me, I Will back Erasmus of America!!