Tuesday, July 17, 2012

There is absolutely no reason for an Oil Crisis in America nor a bad economy in America.

     Dear Editors of America and American People,

There is absolutely no reason for an Oil Crisis in America nor a bad economy in America. This is all a staged national crisis by incredibly corrupt political leaders in Wash., D.C.

     Around two years ago one of the Forbes Bros. was asked on a news program how much oil does America have in the ground? He gave the answer back, "More than all the Middle East put together." In April, 2010, the U.S. Geological Service issued a report that only scientists and oil men knew was coming. We have so much oil in the ground especially at the huge Bakken's oil reserves that it is estimated that America has enough oil to take care of all the needs of America for the next 2041 years! And the Bakken's oil reserves can be gotten out of the ground so easily and cheaply now that this Bakken oil can be sold as cheaply as even $16 per barrel which is the automatic end of the oil crisis in America. Then America's economy will skyrocket overnight and change from threatened national bankruptcy to suddenly create millions of new, good jobs in America. The National Institute For inventors, POB 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 years ago sponsored tests which showed how to eliminate nearly all pollution from cars using oil produced gasoline. End of environmental threat to America and end of bankruptcy threat to American economy.
     Our socialists in the Obama Administration knew that America has no reason now for an oil crisis in America nor for our national economy to be threatened with potential bankruptcy as so many top business forecasting newsletters predict for America soon. I studied with six of the top economists of America and Europe including a German economist endorsed by Albert Einstein to be teaching the only true economic science in the 20th century. An international organization representing some of the Who's Who of America and Europe once wrote me up as "The Einstein of American Economics." However, no one in Wash., D.C. wants to know how the national economics works that was personally endorsed by Albert Einstein to be the final answer to permanent prosperity for a free enterprise system in America or the rest of the world. I am sorry that leaders in Wash., D.C. think they are so much more brilliant than Albert Einstein who showed America how to build the atomic bomb and shortened World War II by maybe a year using this super weapon suggested by Albert Einstein.
     The socialists in Congress and the Obama Administration are firmly determined at all costs to ruin permanently the American economy over fraudulent threats to the environment. When Gorbachev moved to America, he wrote a secret letter to American Communists boasting that the Communists controlled the environmental movement in America and would use it to turn the U.S. Republic into a total Communist government and America also turned into a Communist nation using the environment as their hoax front to achieve this in America. The Democrats want to quick sign an environmental treaty over control of water to give away basically 50% of all the land in America to the United Nations and all Americans then kicked out of their homes and prior business property owned for businesses in America. The American people are to be herded into socialist antihill settlement cities and the American free enterprise system then cancelled forever in America by our Obama who once boasted to a fellow college student when they both attended the same school that he Obama was also a Communist as the other college student was then. The other college student later changed sides and no longer believed in Communism, but told on the national internet what Obama told him when they studied at the same school at the same time.
     Khruschev boasted on national American radio and tv at the end of the Eisenhower Administration that your grandchildren from then would live in a Communist America. If Obama has his way, Khrushchev's prophecy will be forefilled by the reelection of Obama. Obama ordered Hillary Clinton to quick sign the anti-gun treaty of the UN on July 27, 2012 to outlaw all basic gun ownership in America for private citizens to overthrow the U.S. Bill of Rights guaranteeing the American people the right to keep and bear guns in America. Separately, Obama had a law secretly set up in America that all bank checks written shortly after the November election will now have a 1% federal service fee (federal tax) on them which could add up to where 50% of every $100  starting money could be paid to the federal government in a form of hidden national sales tax on all sales in America. This may throw America into either a new Depression of the "Thrities or else total bankruptcy for America. Our news media is not telling you of all the secret laws Obama is decreeing from the White House without passage as law by Congress. Excuse my ignorance, but what is the difference between this and what is called dictatorship in a national government?
     I am opposed to strip mining of land that is not restored to good, well appearing land after the coal, etc. is removed from the ground. But we do not need carbon taxes for an apparent con artist issue. The earth right now is just barely over the minimum carbon dioxide required for plants to live on across the earth including all our food crops worldwide. Lose a little bit more carbon dioxide and some scientific sources have warned this may trigger off a worldwide famine which can kill off most or all of mankind on earth. It is time for serious science to replace cheap politics coming from Obama and allies in Wash., D.C. And solar flares and activity create our usual global warming as old weather records will show and not carbon dioxide in the air! As Grant Jeffrey talked about on tv shortly before he died, take one million ballons filled with air minus the carbon dioxide and the carbon dioxide would fill maybe 12 same size balloons with the carbon dioxide removed from the one million balloons which could fill up the space in a large football stadium. There is so little carbon dioxide in the vast atmosphere of air that it is scientifically impossible for this carbon dioxide to create "global warming" on earth. The Communists dreamed up a clever scientific hoax to trick you into accepting a Communist government, nation and economy. Our corrupt American press played along with this con game of the Communists to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights as the national law of America and replace this with Marxist Communism over all of America. Don't try claiming I am a fool or dumb idiot when charging this. My mother was once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to then. And my own I.Q. they claimed in Wash., D.C. had scored to be beyond scientific measurement and one of the two highest ever tested in Wash., D.C. at least up to then. I am an honest voice in America and Wash., D.C. hates the truth being told to the American people who Wash., D.C. thinks should be controlled by news censorship and clever propaganda rather than be told the truth so the people instead of corrupt interests will run the government of America.
     We can create purification of industrial smoke so it does not hurt the clean air in cities, but we don't need this wild insane Marxist war to eliminate carbon dioxide from the air which will kill off the human race on earth if we collapse all farming on earth due to this psuedo-scientific policy proposed by Obama and allied fellow political con artists of Wash., D.C. The con artist politicians of Wash., D.C. have promised since 1973 to solve the energy crisis of America and never have! I wrote up the proposed Omni Law to be passed nationally as a constitutional amendment and end of the oil crisis of America. Look up the Omni Law on Nesara News on their national website along with other reports of mine they posted from May, June, and July of 2012. Or send me an email and ask for a copy of my Omni Law Report (4 pages with the Omni Law on page 2). Send your email to fastboomamericaneconomy@gmail.com . Do nothing and leave it to the hidden Communist politicians in Wash., D.C. calling themselves liberals and when the American economy crashes as this Marxist wrecking crew is trying to do from Wash., D.C., don't blame God for what you willfully did to destroy your nation of America forever. America is close to potential national economic collapse. A number of foreign nations are now ready to dump the electronic U.S. dollar as a way to potentially throw America into hyperinflation where even a wheelbarrow of money may be needed to buy a loaf of bred as happened for real in the Weimar Republic of Germany in the 1920's. Leave it to the corrupt, socialist politicians and they will bankrupt America!
     I want a future for America, not the coming funeral of America! I was a top engineering student in engineering school years ago and know what real engineering can do for America once we remove cheap politics controlling engineering and science and turning these fields into the creation of psuedo-engineering and psuedo-science to replace the original fields. Make this letter the "perpetual letter" by copying it everywhere in America until the Omni Law is passed and let's aim for passage in 2012. If politicians are trapped, they will put it out for vote before the November election and you can by bloc vote then vote against any politician of any party who did not vote for it when put up for vote in Congress and then state legislatures. Give copies of this to editors of all newspapers, important magazines, blogs, civic groups, churches, and email me the names of editors and publications who are so corrupt they would not reprint this letter so important to the survival of the American people and America as a nation. I will later compile a national list of the "treason press of America" and with the nation backing this, for 3 years list them, call upon advertisers to boycott them, and help support the creation of rival publications to them if they think being so dishonest towards the American people and engaging in willful high treason against America as a nation is such a funny joke to try and pull on the American people. It is time the corrupt news media of America finally meets with the Wrath of the American people betrayed by them!
     Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (briefly a pen name. When we are ready as a national movement, I will go public. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and with that trademark, all serious intelligence sources in Wash., D.C. will know by that trademark who I am. In top secret files of Wash., D.C., I am credited with several times keeping America out of pending World War III. America is once more faced with a pending world war and without the Omni Law passed, America may be annihilated later on in a surprise nuclear attack set up by Iran or else by allies of Iran at this time. I don't want to say all I know! Obama has sabotaged key parts of American national defense to make America a sitting duck for coming nuclear attack!)


J7 said...

With the advent of new technologies, oil will be an afterthought. Leave it where it was meant to be...in the Earth.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are a left brain smart, right brain idiot! The idea is to move past oil entirely, no matter how much more of Mother Earth's precious fluids are left!? Move on, Meditate and open up the other half of your brain, get that corpus collosum cooking...Dude!
And Enjoy full consciousness!

Anonymous said...

Is it then possible that You could be right brain smart and left brain idiot? I thought people who meditated were supposed to lose their Ego... Are you going to like decloak and dissappear in the midst of this communist takeover? You probably couldn't care less what happens to your "fellow humans"....(but I don't know for sure) Where is your solution for mankind? How are you helping others? Maybe you should teach about your "full consciousness" wisdom and help others to get where you are.

Justicar said...

Granted oil will take a while to phase out Keshe Foundation has a remarkable future available to us if we are not all brain dead to take them up on their offer. I, being of German descent, am not surprised it comes from Belgium.

Anonymous said...

There we go! Someone needs to tell these people what's up!

Anonymous said...

Ok, maybe I'm out of it, but I want to know what I can do, and I know that you people on this website will help me. Do I need to call Congress about this Omni Law or what? Like what's the whole deal on this? I know the law, just not how I can help.

Anonymous said...

Make copy and paste copies of the 4 page Omni Law Report (Omni Law is on page 2 of report) and send to many friends or contacts. Also, send to members of Congress and state legislatures, and have note asking if they support the Omni Law or else why not? All political movements and causes need some finances to turn them into a national movement. The Omni Law movement can obviously use some finances backing it the same as any other political movement in America. Address for checks is in the 4 page Omni Law Report, etc. But for quick reference, make checks out to NIFI and send to NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 . The Omni Law reports say once the finances are there, there will be national ads in large newspapers, etc. pushing passage of the Omni Law. These comments from a volunteer worker for the Omni Law Campaign.