Thursday, July 5, 2012

URGENT!!! ~ Frank's Thursday pre-recorded cc ~ 7.5.12

Subject: URGENT!!! ~ Frank's Thursday pre-recorded cc ~ 7.5.12

Hi Everyone:
I have not yet listened to this 109-minute recorded call from Frank.
What I will share with you though, is that when it is time to cash in DO NOT... I REPEAT...DO NOT do your EXCHANGE at any brokers or dealers exchange offices.  IMO, Wells Fargo Bank branches will be the safest place for you to use for your exchange...and if the information I'm hearing is true...then perhaps on this recording...F26 will tell us that the RV IS let's listen and find out!!!

Subject: Frank's Thursday 7.5.12Date: Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 3:42 PM


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yes more bullshit!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

In mathematics, whatever is done on one side of the equation must be done on the other side.

You can do 7 = 3+4
or 3+4 = 7

-4+3+4 = 7-4
What is done on one side must be done on the other.
you can't do
3+4 = 7-4

So how is he taking the 1000000 dinar is 1168 and getting the 1.168 (almost 1.17) without removing the zeros from the 1000000 dinar side of the equation.

Maybe I wasn't listening well.
Disclosure - I do not own any dinar.

Anonymous said...

Uhm, wells fargo? no this is the cabal system. I would wager this is disinfo to let the people do the opposite when the event happens. I would not believe this if I were you. Please remember that the rv on currencies has been known for years, they have long ago infiltrated that system and all these 'updates' we are seeing is them trying to mess it up. The re evalue will happen and when it does I assure you it will benefit everyone no matter how many dinar you managed to collect. ALL OF US will benefit not just the ones that were 'smart' enough. My intel tells me its actually just after september. That could change but that is what the data show