Sunday, October 21, 2012

2012 Election Detailed in Bible Codes

2012 Election Detailed in Bible Codes

HALLELUJAH!!!   HALLELUJAH!!!    The  ELS Scripture code matrix's on the election show Mitt Romney  wins!!!!   The codes describe Romney in the  most glowing words.  Truly he  is God's man!  
 God is great!!  He is forgiving America to give us a leader of  Mitt Romney's calibre.   The judgment of the nation can be averted  if there is repentance!   Electing Mitt Romney will show America has repented!
  2012 Election Detailed in Bible Codes Bible codes discovered and published between 2008 and last spring provide vivid sketches of the current presidential race, according to mathematician R. Edwin Sherman, Director of Bible Code Digest. One found in 2010 by Nathan Jacobi, Ph.D., reads like a critique of Obama's performance in the first debate:Obama hesitated. He appeared elegantly but weak.
Visit to read more about Election codes.Best Regards,, web home of Bible Code Digest, the world's leading newsletter source of information on Bible and Torah Codes. The Isaac Newton Bible Research Society


Anonymous said...

Mitt Romney is just another puppet figurehead.... and one of the most corrupt. We dont buy your disinformation anymore.

Anonymous said...

Propaganda garbage. There is a third choice if not a Devine intervention.

Anonymous said...

If you are that dilusional then I am afraid there is no hope for you !

Anonymous said...

Great, the Bush's wanted Willard Mitt Romney to win. How about a real change like RON Paul? The bible code is not correct. IT CANT BE

Anonymous said...

Make sure to take into account the fact that King James left out MOST of the books of the Bible on purpose. They have been hidden in the basement of the Vatican for centuries, and as of late have been moved to another hidden place.

So what's left is a skeleton of what should be there.

Anonymous said...

Mitt Romney a God man? Wow you must be o a real stupid or a real fanatic

Anonymous said...

Oh who cares what you nonvoting unamerican cowards think about Bush or anybody else. What a bunch of new age baffoons. I don t buy the lies about Romney being a nwo puppet either. Go cry a river. There are a ton of great prophetic voices out there and many are listening and know the only correction for our country lies in the Bible and true repentance. RP is anti Israel and will go nowhere. The Bible codes are very interesting and these tards who buy all this galactic new age deception will soon see.

Anonymous said...

b.s bible code. I can now more than ever spot b.s. miles and miles away!

Anonymous said...

John thank you for the great post.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anon 10:02, if you think Romney is the choice, you should watch his drug money video There is NO difference between either party. They are both controlled by the 13 families who run the world. They just throw you a bone once in a while to make you think you are getting something for your vote. You are not really voting for anyone, because the votes are controlled and they put who they want in the position of puppet dictator of Amerika!.
As far as the Bible goes, please look real hard at the scriptures. It is a Greek mythological document, written by ancient Greeks. From Genesis to Revelation, it is a Greek document, written around 300BC in Alexandria Egypt, under Alexander the great. The Bible is a Mystical book, written by ancient mystics. It was never meant to be taken literally. The Apostle Paul said " Do not be a minister of the letter, for the letter kills" This means, do not take the Bible literally! Once we understand this, we can begin to understand it's hidden meanings.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:02 PM-- are you a paid shill? Troll? Brain washed? Misinformed?
Sorry-- look at what is really going on in this world and then tell me with a clear mind.
If you are a paid shill, do you think that they actually care about you? They don't.

Anonymous said...

Adhominim attacks are a signature goto tactic of the cabal shills. Are you outing yourself?

Anonymous said...

When you click on one of the links above, the writer quotes Deuteronomy 28 in part and tells of God's blessings if we repent; however, in that same chapter HE tells us what will happen if we don't repent and it is enough to put the fear of God in even nonbelievers! In other words, the outcome of this election IS ALL CONDITIONAL ON US and OUR WILLINGNESS TO OBEY God's STATUTES, ORDINANCES AND COMMANDMENTS exactly as HE tells us in Deuteronomy 28. Judging by the news, the comments, the articles, the posts, et al, guess what is ahead for us! It is NOT pleasant, I'm sorry to say, unless this nation changes...

Anonymous said...

What do you know about Mitt Romney other than what you read that was written by someone you have no idea about in regard their credibility, trustworthiness, accuracy, purpose or agenda? Duh! Get real!

Dan said...

So Romney a Mormon is God's chosen man, which then he can have multiple wives, or would it be better for Obama being a Muslim which can have multiple wives, so your choice of the 2 presidential candidates that were born of fathers being NOT US citizens as well as their religion wanting to have ALL persons converted to only their religion!

Mark V said...

Anon 10:02 -
You sound just like what the "I Was a Paid Internet Shill" guy described. Pro Israel, Pro RNC and trying to talk chit. I imagine there is a pro "prophetic" mumbo-jumbo title on that sheet of paper you're scripting from as well, huh?

I DO vote. Have since '76. And, I'm going to write in my candidate of choice.
NOT check the box next to either of the corporate sponsored, bought and paid for wankers from da bankers.

Bible codes are interesting, yep. But, not prophecy. And, as Anon 9:38 so rightly pointed out, most of the KJ "version" is a cherry picked collection that suited the Church at the time of publication. What they left out we'll never see till the Vatican falls -probably from investigations into pedophilia (if what is being said about the Savile connection is proven.)

Anonymous said...

Electing Mitt Romney will show america has repented! Propaganda of the highest order and complete and utter bullshit! You can tell who ever wrote this garbage has not studied their Bible or anything else.Stupidity is as stupidity does,and ignorance abounds on every hand on almost all of these posts.

Anonymous said...

Oh for Heaven's sakes! He's no savior to America believe you me!!!

Anonymous said...

Pouring Jack Daniels over your corn flakes is not the way to start your day.

Romney is a New World Order Bush Sr puppet. Romney has no intentions of
getting rid of the federal reserve and irs. He just wants to carry on the
scam and get his name in the history books.

He's going to create 12,000,000 new jobs HA HA HA HA

Fitz said... question for anyone who claims to "know the Bible" is, how can anyone be "God's Man" when he doesn't lift up the Name of Jesus

Anonymous said...

Well my bible code says Romney is going to jail!!!

Anonymous said...

Israel nation (NOT THE GOOD PEOPLE) are war mongers. We are tired of war, we need a president that says no more war. You, my friend must be a paid shill. Did you get your ticket yet? I bet you never get your ticket.

Anonymous said...

Get a clue

Anonymous said...

No I believe you are the idiot

Anonymous said...

anyone who believes this article is seriously ill.

Anonymous said...

As long as there are politicians, there will always be suffering, misery, death and wars.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone be happy about diferant than what we have, and maybe worse...I thought this this place was better than some others, but...who would push this stuff, and be happy about it? Really?

McCroft said...

Second that check out the Bain Capital video on the tube and you will probably have a different view..

Electric BB Guns said...

Even i feel the same politicians wont allow the country for progress. I don't know how they are saying he is a god's man.

Anonymous said...

Oh man this article is representative of the total brainwashing some people have fallen for. If you believe this heaping pile of steaming b.s. then you deserve to stay in 3D. It makes me want to retch. ~GAG~

Anonymous said...

Uh.. didn't know they allowed access to computers in the Insane Asylums???

cooter said...

You can find anything in bible
I stopped trusting them long ago.The bible is codes..not so much.
Now go vote for mittens like a good little sheeple anon 1:05

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This election is important to our future you all need to judge yourself before judging others. who died and made you God .The Lord does not lie nor judges one another Get real drink Milk