Wednesday, October 17, 2012

piece of the election puzzle

Why there shouldn't be, or won't be, an election at all ...
We've been DUPED.  Wow, once you know the history that has been withheld from us, it shifts your perspective by 180 degrees and throws it upside down.  This insight into the Act of 1871 shows potentially why there won't be any elections.  The UNITED STATES (all cap) is a separate shadow government/corporation for the District of Columbia (DC) - the extent of its jurisdiction.  The military is the 4th branch of government with authority to act in the event the other three branches are corrupted.  Every military officer, Sheriff, Oath Keepers, must watch this video and understand the power of this nugget, and be compelled to act NOW.

The Act of 1871- The American Scam Revealed - this video makes it clear for everyone to be able to understand what happened to strip us of our sovereignty, and where the head of the hydra is.

The ramifications of this video are huge.  What this shows is the irrelevancy of the election.  The Declaration of Independence needs to be applied again in order to eliminate the UNITED STATES corporation better know as DC.  Since it has set itself up as a corporation, Constitutional Law does not apply.  It's basically commerce law as it is owned by the international banksters.  As such, they have and are committing massive fraud given that the intent for the creation of the corporation was to commit fraud.  Given this onset intent at the time of establishing the US corporation, it is possible to "pierce the corporate veil" which means that all the individuals behind the veil become liable.

Perhaps the Whore. in Revelations that is drunk with debauchery, and riding the Beast, is Washington DC.

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