Tuesday, October 15, 2013



    Yesterday Oct. 14 was an interesting experience. Due to heavy hacking interference, went to three wireless locations to get report finally out on "DRIVE 124.6 MILES PER GALLON - COVER HEADLINE 2013 NATIONAL MAGAZINE, FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - Columbus Day - October 14, 2013.
     For some reason Obama dirty trick operators were fighting hard to try and block this report from being posted with Nesara News. They failed but among interesting things they did which I don't follow their logic for, they removed from two email accounts of mine the email address for my assistant who works by my side a lot these days. No problem. I just reenter the missing email address to my email listings for these two email accounts.
      But they need to learn the lesson "Don't mess with me!" I will call this major criminal violation No. 5 of the Genocide Treaty signed into national law by President Ronald Reagan and now raise the federal settlement figure with me up to $100 Trillion Dollars. As I have won legal upsets before, don't be too sure that I won't once more win in an upset and suddenly federal officials behind these criminal acts get sued each for $100 trillion in damages and even their minor dirty trick operators if we can track them down will also get sued for $100 trillion each in damages as part of a totally criminal conspiracy done by federal operatives for Obama at the White House.
      Since apparent operatives under orders of Obama posted hot air comments trying to trick the people not to take seriously my report of yesterday which you can easily read in the archive listing for yesterday for Nesara News under the report name of "Drive 124.6 MILES PER GALLON - FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA, this endorses my report as must be strongly feared by Obama federal elements so folks you read it now if you did not see it yesterday! And to show that I don't bluff, I sent to John at Nesara News a little while ago my report "7 BONUS ANSWERS FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA" which these federal operatives of Obama indicated would be a con game and I would not have the answers promised for this report publicized by my Columbus Day report of yesterday. As I am sure that John can already confirm, my 7 Bonus Answer Report is no bluff and I deliver what I promise for the people.
      Also, I in my report yesterday heavily used mainline references both on the question of high gas mileage for American cars but suppressed by Wash., D.C. and I showed references from even the U.S. Congress, The American Legion Magazine, and the Vatican showing great respect for my father's Vatican endorsed great food discovery. But these comments posted yesterday by obvious Obama federal dirty trick operatives under apparent order of the White House said the report yesterday was all con and no substance to it and I had no merit in what was presented to the American people in this report of yesterday, I post now for later grand jury investigation and international genocide investigation that these federal dirty trick operators are under American law guilty of "high treason" and under international law guilty of "genocide conspiracy" as the future of America hangs in the balance whether America gets my father's Vatican endorsed food process or else the nation collapses because of genocide conspiracy within the federal govenment now under shadow of Obama.
     I invite Congress when they are capable of moral integrity to investigate this situation and order the arrest of dirty trick operatives of Obama for violating a number of sections of federal law currently on the books. And I will be willing to cooperate with over 100 member nations of the United Nations for their national investigations into Obama and his operations which also threaten the lives of the people of their nations including all nations of Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia including China, Russia, Central and South America, etc. Under the Genocide Treat since these elements in Wash., D.C. are engaged in genocide conspiracy which can kill off the people of Europe and all other nations on earth, they are fair legal game to have arrest warrants issued for them from all threatened nations in the world.
     I am no coward and these criminals hiding in federal employment had better hide low now as governments all over the world will see this notice and not think it funny when Obama and criminal crew in Wash., D.C. are trying to engineer the mass murder of their people and nations by doing all they can to try and suppress this Vatican endorsed great food discovery that may well be the deciding factor whether mankind lives or dies on this earth according to old university tests and later tests by medical labs from across the world as publicized by even Al Gore.

    Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America pen name for the wrong person to mess with!)

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