Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Messianic Kingdom to Come

The Messianic Kingdom to Come
.I wrote this prelude so that it can be shared with those that may have absolutely no understanding of such things so forgive me if it is a little long.   If you are aware of what has been going on between the USA and Russia right now I believe you will find this very interesting, as they play a significant role in America's future.

 Because of the shocking revelations that will be revealed in this post for some, my heart was filled with compassion and concern for all the people that will be caught "unaware" in the very probable scenario to transpire in the future. Unlike a "false flag", this is something you CAN prepare for on your own.The information I am about to share is not meant to push my opinion or to change your mind. After you read the post I believe you will understand why.  This is something that is going to "pan out over time" and it will affect everyone on earth, but particularly the USA. You can disagree and reject what is shared here, that is your choice but there is coming a time in the future when people will realize  that some of their "beliefs, philosophies and mindsets" didn't cut it and will be seeking answers, and it will be too late, they will not find them. They will see things happening and remember what those lunatic Christians were telling them and want to revisit those "concepts" but the true believers will be gone and the things they talked about will be actually happening before their eyes. It is my hope and prayer that if nothing else you remember this post. Not only that but:

Amos 8:11-14 (NASB)11 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord God,“When I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, But rather for hearing the words of the Lord.12 “People will stagger from sea to sea And from the north even to the east;They will go to and fro to seek the word of the Lord,But they will not find it."

I am sharing this information in the hopes that those who are TRULY looking for the TRUTH and REAL enlightenment may open their hearts and minds to the information I am about to share. Our "mindsets" can prevent us from receiving life giving information that can change our lives. Satan is very busy in these last days with the deceptive information that is being disseminated, knowing that he has a relatively very short time to take as many with him to hell as possible.  He comes as an "angel of light" to" kill, steal and destroy and we must be vigilant.
I first became aware of Joseph Good's teachings on TBN..and was amazed.  My dad and I never missed a show and I recorded them for future reference. Through his intense and specific teaching from the scriptures I learned many truths but particularly came to firmly believe in the pre tribulation rapture of the church (Christ's Bride) and have never been swayed otherwise. He outlined the 7,000 year timetable of God, through the specific teachings of the Jewish feasts. When He came out with the book, "Rosh Ha Shannah"and the Coming Messianic Kingdom" I bought it and read it, not being able to put it down. I believe it was the first book of its kind, published in 1996. There are now other books coming out with similar information but I have not read them.
This book takes you on a journey so that you will understand how very specific God's plan has been as it was laid out in the Bible for the Jews (and for the future in grafted gentiles) as a blueprint for the things to come.and for those things that still are to come in our future.
 God is a God of precision and it becomes extremely evident as you read this book which explains that He prepared the Jews, mapped out everything for them in illustration form and by their observances bring forth a picture of what was to come in the Old Testament..and they still didn't get it. the New Testament is the New Covenant that God made through Jesus Christ. Hebrews 8:6, (Jeremiah 31:31 He told them ahead of time it was coming)
 For those of you in particular that believe that the Bible is a bunch of random stories and goble di gook or whatever misconception that you have come to have, you must step back and open your mind to the truth if you really care about your destiny and the destiny of your loved ones. There will be naysayers of course...but they are born out of ignorance, preconditioned attitudes, peer pressure and outright demonic not be deceived.
If you truly want something to put your teeth into, you need to read Joseph's book noted below.  It is a prerequisite for understanding the validity of the information I am passing on that will be in the next book he is working on that will soon be released
You will never see the Bible, our Father and Creator God or Jesus the same again.
The info below was taken from Joseph's website, but I will warn you that it may sound very unbelievable and outrageous at first glance..let me assure you that this man studies the scriptures and has revelation knowledge from God that cannot be dismissed.  His previous book above is total evidence of his impeccable, strict adherence to scripture.
I will definitely be getting his book to obviously see how he has validated the information shared below, but based on his track record, there will be significant and most likely undeniable evidence, I have no doubt.
For those that believe that a "peace and love millennium"  is "about to unfold"  as stated by many "channelers and light beings", you may be rudely awakened.. Yes, there is to be a time of celebration and change during the wealth transfer (which was prophesied in the Bible) and a short time for a great harvest of souls...but the believers disappearance and the beginning of the great tribulation will be the next big event in the forecast.  I am just trying to prepare you for the disappointment so that you will not be shaken to the core but will finally come to the realization of the truth. THERE IS A PLAN-it is God's 7,000 year plan and not mans made up one-it is all laid out in the Bible, you can be prepared, but you have to be willing to SEE it to prepare for it. No, you don't have to see it or accept it, but it IS going to happen whether you agree with it or accept it or not, as time will show and if nothing else, at least you will be ahead of the rest who are totally asleep at the wheel.
My biggest concern that hit me after reading this synopsis of his coming book was that all these deceived people  MAY be destroyed in the USA, before having a chance to accept the provision that God has made for them to be saved through the sacrifice of the blood of His Son, Jesus.
Based on Joseph''s impeccable detail in his previous book I expect the same for this coming information.
I never considered that America could actually be destroyed, which now creates an urgency to help people understand what may be coming. You don't have to accept what I am saying right now, but for God's sake and your own, at least be AWARE SO THAT YOU CAN MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION AND NOT AN IGNORANT ONE WHEN THE TIME COMES!  At least do that much for yourself, your family and the people you care about! Do not be blinded by people with selfish ambitions as were the scribes and pharisees during Jesus time on earth.  God has prepared the Jews in His Word, in all their feasts and special days, through the building of the temple and in every way possible but they were blind. Only a few could finally see Him for who He was and the scripture was being played out before their eyes.  The common people saw and believed.
Joseph states that after the disappearance of the church of Jesus Christ (His bride of true believers) through the Natzal---which is reference to the "rapture"  or the "snatching away", that at some point the USA will be when this happens-(the Natzal), you must realize that there may be little time left and you better make the right choice on your knees or eternity will be a very miserable place for you, without being graphic about it but definitely devoid of "love and light".
I have always thought that at least people will have a chance to make a decision about Jesus being the way to God during the tribulation...BUT THIS MAY BE A VERY SHORT TIME PERIOD, WHICH IS WHY I FELT LED TO WRITE AND POST THIS. From what he is saying, after the true believing church disappears which in itself will cause total chaos..the Jews going back to Jerusalem in droves from America may be the only sign given before the destruction of America...America is not specifically talked about in Bible prophecy in the book of Revelations except as referenced possibly by "young lion" or "eagle"--yet we have been a great influencing nation. The reasons for this have been much speculated upon..This would be one of the least desired reasons for not being mentioned and I am anxious to read the book and his documentation that can make this claim..
God has provided for you to have His love, peace and rest NOW, if you will have Him. God has provided every person whom He created to restore their relationship with Him which was lost due to the sin that entered the world through Adam and Eve.  He does NOT wish for any to perish and HAS PROVIDED THE WAY...but He will not force you because He is a loving God. It is up to each of us to want a relationship with Him.  This is NOT about religion--man's search for God-a past time for people to search or avoid the truth and you can't "earn your way to heaven through good works".  This is about restoring a relationship with our Father, and we are lost without Him. He cannot act against His Word which says, "Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through Me" John 16:4.  Jesus is the door, whether that lines up with your preconditioned theology or not, time and future events will prove this to be true to the horror of multitudes that chose instead to go their "own" way.
When Jesus died on the cross, God with His omnipotent power ripped apart the 1 foot thick veil to the Holy of Holies in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, where only the consecrated priest could previously enter on behalf of the people to make propitiation for their sins.  This was a picture in the natural of what God did in the spiritual realm and was a message to the Jews. They didn't want to see it.  He made a way, with Jesus sacrifice, for all to be able to "come into the Holy of Holies" spiritually, and have a relationship with him. No more sin sacrifices --just grace through Jesus Christ and the forgiveness of all of our sins--true redemption in becoming a "new creature in Him". You will learn all this and much more in Joseph's book.
And NO, the church is not going to be raptured by any "alien mother ship owned by Ashton-a channeled demonic spirit-to "help poor Jesus, "cause He wouldn't be able to do it on His own" as has been spewed out there. GIVE ME A BREAK--Jesus has been given all the power of heaven because of what He has done for us and will make satan a footstool for His glorious feet! The alien deception in many various forms has come to pass because satan knows that the church is to be raptured and he doesn't want the people to know the he has been developing and spewing these kind of lies through willing vessels...they abound.
Believe me, when the church goes, the government and other sources will have the lies prepared, but you will at least know the truth. I have provided this information for you to at least do your own research for the truth.
To those Christians who believe in post millennium theories or the rapture of the true believers taking place anytime after the antichrist is revealed and the "7 year tribulation period" begins  PLEASE lay down your theories and open your mind to at least read and research yourself. Just one simple word "preparation" will take on a whole new meaning. so this IS important to at least be open to understand.
There is so much more I would say, but I am sure by this time you are saying "enough already" LOL
Please don't shoot the messenger that loves you enough to warn you and make you AWARE.

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)


Rosh HaShannah and the Messianic Kingdom to Come

1996/09/01 | Author Joseph Good

This Year, Next Year or What? An Update!!

Very shortly it will be Rosh haShannah 5757, followed by Yom Kippur and Sukkot. Vast numbers of people have realized that these festivals deal in a large part with the coming of the Messiah and the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom as a political reality here on earth. Over the last several months much new information has been discovered in our research concerning these events and their relationship to these festivals. In fact, I am currently working on a sequel to our Rosh haShannah book to cover this material in depth. I hope to have this book substantially completed in the next several weeks. While many times I have been amazed at what has been discovered in the scriptures, but this has exceeded any previous finding. Although many teachers now teach on the festival prophetic events, very few have developed the research to effectively teach some of the material we have just gathered. This gives Hatikva Ministries a somewhat exclusive account of these Biblical events. An asterisk, *, in the following outline will denote some of these teachings. Likewise, a plus sign, +, will denote a new teaching that Hatikva has not taught or fully developed before. The following is a brief preview of the book and some of our other related materials on audio tape.
Before when we wrote Rosh haShannah and the Messianic Kingdom to Come, we gave an overview of the 7,000 year plan of G-d and a synopsis of each of the festivals and how they relate to either the first or second coming of the Messiah. We presented how scripture taught beyond doubt that the Messiahs coming was prophesied to occur on the festivals. True to this, the spring festivals of Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits of the Barley Harvest and Shavuot were the exact dates of Yeshua's death, burial, resurrection and the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven into the heart of the believers, respectively. This is the summation of Messiahs first coming. Likewise, it is prophesied that the fall festivals are the dates of the important events of the second coming. These festivals, Rosh haShannah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot are the dates of the following events.
On Rosh haShannah in the year 6001 from creation, a shofar will blow resurrecting the dead believers in the Messiah who are immediately followed by the living Righteous. They are snatched from the earth and assembled in heaven for the Messiah's coronation and wedding. On earth, 144,000 Jews realize that Yeshua is the Messiah and receive an anointing from G-d to carry the redemption message first to the Jews and then to the Gentile nations. Meanwhile in Jerusalem the Jews begin to perform the Temple services on Mount Moriah. This is the onset of a seven-year period known as the birthpains of the Messiah, which in Christianity is known as the tribulation.
Yom Kippur, in the span of the book, covers that the Messiah will arrive on this festival in Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives at the end of the seventh year. In addition to the Messiahs coming in power, the False Messiah will be judged and slain on this day.
Sukkot is the festival of the celebration of the coming of the Messiah and the defeat of the False Messiah. An interesting side event of Sukkot is that there is much evidence showing that this festival was the birthdate of Yeshua in His first coming.
When writing the book we centered on that first Rosh haShannah and did not develop in detail Yom Kippur and Sukkot. The book did not elaborate on the dramatic happenings of the birthpains or on what happens following Messiahs coming. Over the past several years we have produced a number of teachings on these subjects. Several features of our teachings have set them apart from other prophecy studies. First, the study of eschatology must be studied in the context of the festivals and also the Temple. Secondly, a realization that all of the Tanach teaches on the Messiahs coming is incorporated. G-ds kingdom is the focal point of the entire scriptures.
Each year as Rosh haShannah approaches our office receives a number of questions on how to prepare for the festivals and also where can information be obtained on what happens prophetically. I thought I would try to list three of the most often asked questions from our entire mailing list. Hopefully this will give you the answer to some of these questions as well as a guide of where to look for information. These questions require much more space to answer than is possible in newsletter format so it is highly recommended that you seek out the specific tape sets for each topic.
How close are we to the Rosh haShannah when everything begins and what must happen before this time.
Too long to post so continue reading here....

May God's grace be multiplied to you
Blessings and love,

1 comment:

princesirki2012 said...